Mr. Thomas Sevier, Kinsmen Club President
Having been the Chairperson for Ribfest, has given me a unique perspective of how this great event has evolved over the years. My commitment to the event has been exciting and I look forward to heading up this tasty, family fun and thrilling event for the community.
Yearly I have the opportunity to work with and I would like to personally thank all members of our planning committee for their involvement and dedication in making Ribfest a spectacular success. They are truly an exceptional team of volunteers committed to delivering a weekend Bar-B-Que extravaganza, that will help your family to create lasting memories.
I encourage you all to visit our website regularly ( This year’s event provides many exciting new additions to our ever-growing festival, including great local bands and a bouncy castle village which can be enjoyed by both young and the young at heart. And as always there are many volunteer opportunities for those who want to experience the event from a different perspective. Please join our volunteer team, there’s a job for everyone and together we all make Ribfest a huge success!!
There won’t be a better place for you to be with friends, family and neighbors than on August 5th -7th, 2022. Come taste the ribs, enjoy the music and enjoy the park atmosphere… we are excited to see each and every one of you yearly!!
Remember to come down to Ribfest and ‘FEED your inner BEAST’…
P.S. If you are a male 19 years of age or older, consider joining the Kinsmen Club of Brantford and give back to your community and make it a better world for all. Learn more about us at: (
Thomas Sevier, Ribfest Chair
Brantford Kinsmen Ribfest 2022
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