Learn more about Brantford Kinsmen Ribfest’s website terms of use and our accessibility and environmental policies.
Brantford Kinsmen Ribfest’s acceptable use policy sets out the terms under which you may access our website (BrantfordRibfest.com).
Please read our Terms of Use carefully before you start to use our website (BrantfordRibfest.com).
Brantford Kinsmen Ribfest is committed to making the information and resources that it provides via the web accessible to all users. We aim to be standards compliant and follow general principles of usability and universal design, which should help all visitors to this website.
Brantford Kinsmen Ribfest is committed to ensuring that our natural and built environment, upon which tourism within Brantford Ribfest is so dependent, is safeguarded for future generations to enjoy.
Learn more about how and why Brantford Kinsmen Ribfest uses cookies to ensure you have a great experience on our websites and how we protect the personal information you give us.