Rib Eating Contest


Challenge your friends, co-workers, family members, or other businesses to compete. This challenge requires teams of four. It is $120 to enter a team (only $30 per person). Team members can pay the entry fee themselves, or they can get sponsors or pledges.

This contest is a relay-style race where contestants take turns eating delicious grilled ribs as fast as they can. The team who pigged out the fastest wins.

All proceeds from this event go to support your local community. Come on and find that unique way to show your best team spirit, so suit up and paint your faces for the community!

Registration form below. So enter now, before all spaces are filled.

Contestants announced soon.

Contestant Registration Form (PDF) Rib Eating Contestants

The contest is open to all Brantford Ribfest participants must be 18 years or older. Members, Volunteers, Sponsors of Brantford’s Ribfest or any of their immediate families are not eligible to enter.

PROVISIONS. Complete and sign the Contestant Registration Form from link above. All entry forms become the property of 
Brantford Ribfest.


  • Only ten (10) teams allowed per competition listed.
  • Contestants will compete against each others team. The object is to eat your allotted Bar-B-Que Ribs, then tag your team mate and finish before another teams.
  • No alcoholic beverages may be consumed during the competition
  • Contestants must not touch any ribs until the starting signal.
  • Contestants must stop eating at the ending signal, to be announced prior to beginning the contest.
  • Contestants will be given 1 rack of Ribs each.
  • Winning team will be determined by which team finishes first. All meat must be eaten off the rib bones in order to count.
  • Contestants who suffer a reversal of fortune and/or urges contrary to swallowing will be disqualified (and possibly laughed at). Eaters must hold down the meat for a period of two minutes after the contest.
  • The “Chipmunking Rule” will be in effect, which means that any meat placed in the contestant’s mouth must be finished before tagging teammate and at the very end of the contest must be swallowed within 30 seconds. Contestants in violation of the “Chipmunking Rule” will be penalized one ½ rack of ribs.
  • In the event of a tie the winner will be determined by a one ½ rack ribs “Rib-off”.
  • Final Authority: Brantford Ribfest have the final authority regarding all contest-related matters.
  • Upon registering your team will receive a badge and will be instructed to wait in a designated area next to the main stage.
Grounds for immediate disqualication include:
  • False or incomplete entry form or liability waiver
  • Any health risks that could jeopardize the contestant’s health or well-being(ie. Allergies, etc.).
  • Under the influence of any substance
  • Appearance is deemed inappropriate or unattractive. If the contestant is wearing something that is deemed inappropriate, the contestant may be subject to disqualication.
  • Starting prior to the start signal. Continuing to eat after the ending signal.
  • Failure to completely eat a rib before beginning to eat another rib.
  • Throwing up or regurgitating.
  • A contestant will forfeit his or her place should he or she fail to register by 4:00 pm on the day, of the contest and be continuously present for the duration of the contest.
  • Contestants will also forfeit his or her place if they leave the waiting area after they register.

Prizes will be awarded as follows:

  • Team who eats the ribs first will receive the 1 st place prize $50 Gift Card, 2nd Place $25 Gift Card, 3rd Place Ribfest Swag..


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISKS AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY: Contestant acknowledges that there are risks of personal injury, illness and possible loss of life, and risks of damage to or loss of personal property, which may result from participating in this 
contest. Contestant voluntarily enters Brantford Ribfest Rib Eating Contest and assumes all of these risks. Contestant, as a 
condition of entry, agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Brantford Ribfest and aliated companies, their vendors, 
their advertising, promotion and public relations agencies, co-sponsoring companies and their aliates and agencies, and all 
others, directors, employees and agents of the aforesaid entities, from any and all claims and costs, including attorneys’ 
fees, relating to, arising from or in connection with participation in this contest or the receipt or use of any prize. In 
so doing, contestant releases and indemnies the aforesaid entities and individuals from liability for injuries or damages of 
any kind arising from or in connection with participation in this contest or the receipt or use of any prize. In no event 
shall Brantford Ribfest be liable to a contestant for acts or omissions arising out of or related to the contest or that 
contestant’s participation in the contest.

Send cheque or money order payable Kinsmen Club of Brantford to address listed on form. Return to: Brantford Ribfest, 303 – 255 Colborne St., East, N3T2H3.

Question regarding RIB EATING CONTEST, Email: ribfest[at]brantfordkinsmen.ca

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