We get a lot praise from patrons who enjoyed the festival. Obviously, we appreciate all of it! We would just like to say thank you for being a part of our ribfest family. We are very grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn’t be here without you.
It takes a lot of manpower and community support to pull off a show and they don’t often get to share in the praise. So, here is great heartfelt thank you to them!
Without the generosity of sponsors there wouldn’t be a show! We encourage you to support our sponsors and THANK them for their continued support! With lots of local and not so local businesses who have supported this festival, such as:
Elements Casino Brantford
Sunbelt Rentals
and the Kinsmen Club of Brantford Inc.. Please let them know that you appreciate them supporting the Brantford Kinsmen Ribfest! If you own a business and want to be part of the fun, make sure that you email us and become part of the Ribfest family! Our sponsors enjoy many perks of the different sponsorship levels including lots of praise from the stage.
The many businesses that allowed us to put a Ribfest poster up in your store windows and their business signage! The great people of Brantford who allowed us to put Ribfest lawn signs on their property to help advertise the festival. Thank you all!
We’re proud to have a great relationship with the staff at the Brant County Health Unit who makes sure that everybody at the festival has all their i’s dotted and T’s crossed to make sure everybody has a wonderful time at our Festival. And all of the other Brantford City Services including the Brantford Fire Department that are involved in the success of Ribfest.
Our objective of the Brantford Kinsmen Ribfest was to create a family fun filled festival for all of City of Brantford and County of Brant residence to come and enjoy. The members of the Kinsmen Club of Brantford and Brantford Ribfest committee members, the Phillips family and many many volunteers who all stepped up and help out to make this Festival a huge success. THANK YOU!
To all the ribbers, food vendors and Market vendors that come to offer the people of Brantford, Brant County and visitors to our wonderful City. We appreciate you’re commitment to attending every year and being part of our Ribfest family.
Our entertainment coordinator and PR man Jeffrey Harding who is front and backstage making sure all of our performers are happy. Thanks for your help.
We are very fortunate to have an amazing pool of photographers on hand at Ribfest including Jody Phillips and Jason Freeze from Bscene and all of our wonderful patrons who were snapping pictures like crazy. Can’t wait to see all of the pics on social media.
Of course, the festival is not the same without the talented entertainers both local and non-local! It’s so much fun when the performers/bands put on there show, you can tell they love what they do by the amount of energy they put into their shows. There’s so much great talent that has come across the Brantford Ribfest stage and we are quite honored to have had them perform. Also Whimsical Players for dressing up in the heat and coming down just to entertain the Kids.
I cannot forget to thank all of the Brantford Ribfest patrons some of who have attended yearly and some for the first time. We appreciate your patronage greatly as we grow bigger yearly and Hope to have a little bit of something for everybody.
There are so many others who have helped along the way and many more who will help with future festivals. I hope I didn’t forget anyone, there are so many people to thank and I wouldn’t be surprised that I did.. If I have please, send me a message if you’re not listed and I will genuinely add you.. it’s post festival brain, I swear!
Brantford Kinsmen Ribfest Committee
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